We stand in awe
each time we look at this building, for it is only through the Lord’s
plans that this has come into existence. Now we look to the Lord for His plans
in using the facility to bring many to Christ. His plans always exceed our
wildest imagination! So we pray for God’s continued revelation regarding His
will be achieved through us to the glory of The Great Visionary!
Lord, I have
heard of your fame I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day,
in our time make them known in wrath remember mercy. Habakkuk 3:2
This Project stands as a vivid testimony of God’s faithfulness to us.
As we have been obedient in following the Lord’s direction, He has poured out
His blessings on us. We can’t wait to open the doors of this facility to the
world around us! In the process, we pray fervently that all the activities that
will take place over the years ahead will be a vehicle through which the world
will come to know the gracious God whom we serve!
What our Father has started, he will see through to
completion...in spite of the plans we have made! And during this waiting time,
when we watch the rain with frustration, he will strengthen us and provide the
encouragement we need! We, ultimately rely on the Lord to cover all of our
expenses. As we can read in the Bible, he owns the gold and the silver.
For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen
those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
2 Chronicles 16:9
This would not be possible without the support
of the many individuals who sponsor children through ACF Child Education Sponsorship
program and projects funding. Change the life of a child in Africa. Support ACF programs, change a
story and impact a nation. Go to
Dear Sisters and Brother in Jesus Christ, who are
far and unknown to us. We invite you to come and help us if God is leading you:
first with your prayer, and if you can, financially as well!
May God bless you as you join this cause.