Words cannot describe the experience that I had in Uganda Missions 2010. It was an awesome and memorable experience that will be forever treasured in my heart. God did many wonderful things in my life as I was doing His work. I saw the ways that God was using ACF to bless and touch many lives in Uganda both spiritually and physically. I was very blessed to be part of the team this year and to see for myself the work that He is doing.
Chi Chi serving in the children section during ACF 2010 Missions.
The first time ACF missions 2010 was announced at ACF DC chapter, I felt the need to go. Without any previous knowledge or experience of missionary work, I signed up for it and I was glad that my younger sister Oly joined me. We were sent off with much helpful advice from our ACF USA family, and I had wonderful expectations as I prepared to leave. Our first night in Kampala, the capital of Uganda was amazing and I knew that I was going to enjoy the trip because of that. We were warmly welcomed by our ACF Uganda family and we were very happy to be with them. That night we went out for “swallowship” where we sang, danced, laughed and ate together.
We traveled to Kumi village on the first week of the missionary trip. The journey was about six hours, but I enjoyed every bit of it because it was the time that I used to get to know and bond with the team members. I was surprised to see that most of the members were young men and women around my age. The mission in Kumi was very successful and remarkable; I have never experienced anything like it before. We were in the midst of people that had great need and their environment showed that they needed as much help as possible in every area of their life. We visited a number of schools where I saw children who were living as if they were abandoned. Almost all the children attended school without shoes or slippers on their feet, some had ring worms on their head and many of them were coughing as they were sitting. There were a lot of children that had no school uniforms and the one ones that did have a uniform had one tear or another on them. I saw one of the students trying to pin up his shirt with a long safety pin because all the buttons on his shirt were missing.

Chi Chi with an elderly lady she helped to get medical attention.
I was worried that he could have hurt himself with the pin. I had compassion on these children because of the way they lived; unfortunately, all I could for them at that time was to give them candies. The joy that was on their faces as I handed candies to them melted my heart and I wanted to buy more for them. Those kids accepted any gift that was them; whether pencils, sharpeners, candies, or even empty water bottles. I met many children that were sponsored by ACF and most of them were orphans; I have never met so many orphans before. Since education in Uganda is a privilege and not a right, many children were not attending schools either because their parents could not afford to pay for their school fees or they were orphans. I thank God for using the ACF team to sponsor a lot of those children, but there are still many children left without any hope of acquring education. Most of us that are living in the United State may not be able to appreciate the blessings that God has given to us until we have gone on missions like this one.

Chi Chi helping children wash their hands before being served with a meal.
At the medical mission, I saw how desperate people were to receive medications. There were individuals who had been sick for years without receiving treatment because they could not afford the medical expenses. At the medical outreach, there were those admitted for emergency; for example, there was a man that was brought in because he had fainted earlier that day and babies that needed urgent care. The villagers were glad to receive medications and those that received reading glasses were extremely joyful because they could read again. Everyone on the ACF team worked very hard to make the mission a great success and God used all of us. We had doctors, clinians, counselors, pharmacists, etc.
On the second day of our medical outreach in Kumi, we did not have enough medication for the all the people were gathered together, but thank God that he gave us wisdom on how to handle the problem. Instead of sending the people home empty handed, we distributed clothes to them. My sister and I were among the people who distributed clothes and what we saw really amazed us. Everyone wanted to get their hands on the clothes, so much that they were pushing and almost starting a fight with each other at the line. They very glad to had received the cloths and some of them came to thank us. Not only did we distribute cloths to them, but we cooked and distributed food to them too and for someone them, that would be the best meal that would be their best meal for the year. The villagers were overwhelmed with excitement to know that they were not forgotten, that a group of people came to their village to take care of them.

The children with torn out Uniforms. ACF provided Uniforms for over 20 students.
In Fort Portal, I saw the impact that ACF is having there. They are sponsoring more than 50 students in primary, secondary, and even the university. I was glad to hear great testimonies on how well the many of the students were performing in school and those students were recognized with a certificate. I was also encouraged when I heard the testimonies of those who had finished their studies and were working to earn money to support other children. Together with sponsoring children in Fort Portal, ACF is also completing an awesome medical center there; it was in that center that we held the medical outreach. Just as it was it was in Kumi, many people came out to receive medical treatment. They receive medical check-ups, spiritual counseling and medications. There was a particular lady that came with an old prescription from 2009 that ACF gave to her mother. She asked if she could receive those medications again for her mother who could not come on her own because of the sickness. Then, it occurred to me that maybe her mother had not received any other medications except the one that was given to her by ACF missions; her condition could have been worse if it were not for the ACF team. The town of Fort Portal brought a lot of gift to us to show their appreciation. They gave us foods such as bananas, roasted corn and even live chicken. There was a particular family that came out and helped us to set up for the program.

Chi Chi and some of ACF young adults team Evangelising in Kumi main market.
In this mission’s trip we conducted street evangelism and market evangelism. It was a great experience because it was the first time that I had ever used an interpreter to minister Christ to different people. There were times that I was worried because I did not know whether what I was saying was being interpreted the way that I wanted. God moved in many ways as we ministered to people on the street and in the market. I noticed that the hearts of the people were ready for God and there was spiritual hunger in the people which could only be filled by Jesus Christ. Many gave their lives to Jesus and the revelation of this scripture came to me “the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few.” Men, women, and even children gave their lives to Jesus and they joy of the lord filled their hearts after making the commitment to follow Jesus. I have so many stories to tell, but not enough space.
Chi Chi handing over clothes to Ochom David one of ACF sponsered children.
The love of God that was in the ACF missions team was amazing, I felt at home with everyone. I benefited from the powerful morning and evening devotions where we worshipped God and fellowshipped together. I love all the worship and praise songs we learned those in English and in Luganda and I found myself singing them all the time. The Uganda team not only became my friends, but they became part of my family earned. I miss them very much, but by the grace of God I will see them again. Throughout this trip, I was challenge by what God was using this group of young people to do in Uganda and asked God to give me the same passion and compassion that they had. They had a heart for God and for his work; I cannot thank them enough for the many ways they blessed my life, but I know that God will bless them.
One of the children who received medical attention.
I encourage you the reader to join us on our next missionary trip to Uganda. It does not matter whether you are young or old because the Lord Jesus has need of you. Not only will He use you to bless others, but your own life will be transformed as you are help and care for others in need. You can help support in many ways if you will not be available to come to the missions. You can support financially to those will be travelling or help to sponsor a child in Uganda. If my life can be tremendously transformed through this one trip, I guarantee you that yours will be greatly impacted as well. Remain blessed and may God bless you.
Chi Chi Ebiringa.