Monday, August 2, 2010

2010 Mission Summer Trip

Brother Ike Emmanuel ACF Missions Director standing in a crowd of students at Auruku Minai Primary school where ACF sponsors 10 pupils under ACF education sponsorship program.
Mr. Okodel and his Family after receiving medication from our mission doctors.

Dr. Dozie Ezenekwe preparing the Pharmacy before work.

We Are Extremely Blessed

       Traveling to one of the poorest countries in the world is sure to open your eyes. Yes, I knew before I left that even poor Americans are extremely wealthy and blessed compared to the rest of the world. Yes, I had read about living conditions in Uganda and other third-world countries. But until you go and see it for yourself, you can’t truly comprehend just how blessed we really are. I still don’t fully understand it because I was only there for a little over a week. Oluomachi

Chi Chi registering one of the patients to be able to see the doctor.

Other people on our team cared for the sick, cleaned their wounds, and put on fresh bandages. They cared for people who had no advocates. They tried their hardest to provide the best medical care they could with the limited skills and supplies they had. The work they did was great, but who will do the work tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year?

Obella is one of the students who got skin medication. His skin looked Hollible you can clearly see.

ACF missions give you a chance to learn a little about life in other countries and cultures. They’re an opportunity for you to learn how blessed you truly are. They will help you become more aware of other people’s struggles. And I pray they’ll move you to compassion and generosity. But usually, you did not make a huge difference in the community. You were not an enormous blessing to the people. They were a blessing to you, and they made a difference in your life.
Just wanted to post some pictures of ACF 2010 Missions in Kumi. Most of our team were transported by our mission bus to visit the Highland. When we got to there, we ministered to the local people health and spiritual needs. Afterwards, about 120 gave their lives to jesus.

Angella Mwesigwa shaiving child's hair during our missions in Kumi. Lots of children there suffer from different skin diseases. Alot has to be done to reach these un-reached people of Toto-Olem Island.

Mrs. Okot is excited after receiving Alcer and cough medication. She had taken about four years without seeing a doctor for consultation and medication.

One of the old people who turned up for our medical missions in Toto-Olem Island.

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