Wednesday, July 27, 2022

2022 ACF Missions updates

Today was day one of our medical missions. As I write this update, the rest of the team is deep sleep because of their tired bodies. Our bodies may be tired but our spirits are rejuvenated daily because we extend compassion. Compassion is what energizes us even when our body hurts. Compassion is what extends our patience even when we rather blow our fuse. Compassion drives you to share the Gospel even if your throat is feeling sore. Compassion is what changes your heart from “What is in it for me?” to “What is in me for others?”

Yesterday we spent half a day with the ACF sponsored and those that have recently graduated from school. We also shared a meal with them. It's nice hearing their stories and knowing about their experiences with God.

Brother Raymond Mbawuike encouraging one of our sponsored children. 

Like mentioned earlier, today was day one of our medical missions. You know what? Medical missions provides a unique and tangible way to demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus Christ to people who have great physical needs. A common result of this medical outreach is God opening hearts to the Gospel as people are introduced to the Great Physician and their greater spiritual need.

At ACF, our medical missions program focuses on evangelism. We use medicine and eye care to bring spiritually needy people in contact with the Gospel.

It was encouraging to see everyone coming together to serve God zealously. Regardless of our ages, background and other differences, we're united in Christ and bonded by God’s love for us.
A mother with a disabled child waiting to be attended to by the Doctors. 
Judith Karungi [Midwife] attending to patients. Judith is one of the ACF sponsored children. 

Dr. Lazarus examining a patient. He is also a graduate from the ACF Child education sponsorship program.

The eye care department.
Prayer and counselling. 
People lining up to serve food. All the people that come to receive medical services are also served a healthy meal every day. 

It is lovely meeting fellow brothers and sisters in Christ of Kumi. It is also rewarding to be serving with the children that have graduated from our Child Education sponsorship Program. In fact we have three nurses and one medical Doctor currently serving with us at the mission field and serving their fellow community. 
Dr.Laz examining a patient.
Some of the people we served earlier today. 
Sister Eneefa Wosu providing counseling to one of the patients. We use medicine to bring spiritually needy people in contact with the Gospel.
And, gifts [Cocks, turkeys and produces] are part of the gifts we receive from the natives. We wanted to return these gifts but it isn't a good practice in their culture for a visitor to refuse gifts.

Gifted hands of Brother Ike Emmanuel. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow

    God is really at work.
    All Glory be to His Name.

    God Bless ACF.
    May we will continue to give ourselves as Labourers for the ripe harvest in Jesus Name, Amen.


Thank you for the comment.