All the six family members live in a tinny grass thatched house measuring to 1X1 metre on a small piece of land that was left by Asio’s deceased parents. On the inside, the walls of this house are lined with newspapers and cut out pictures of musicians, quite typical of teenagers. The house boasts of a small old looking mattress which seems to be their beddings.
As a child mother and a bread winner for six, she had a big family and at times was hard, having two meals a day was luxurious; they had only enough for a meal and that is when they got it.
This compromised her health with the HIV status and that of her siblings, it imperative that one feeds well as a way of boosting their immunity and preventing susceptibility to optimistic infections.
But as luck would have it, African Christian Fellowship adopted the whole family and started educating and providing some basic needs to this whole family.
Asio’s health then changed. She was given a sewing machine by African Christian Fellowship as part of the organization’s strategy to keep people out of poverty by providing small recyclable loans. Asio was enrolled for a tailoring course at Kumi tailoring School and she was given a free sewing machine on completion of her course. She had earlier demonstrated to ACF missions her tailoring skills, and she had her designs, a red and black eye catching out fit she had made for her customer.
“I now have a contract with a school in my area, I’m making school uniforms for them with this machine” She says, “I’m very happy that ACF sponsored my tailoring course and provided me with this machine and materials on completion of my course” she added, “I manage to feed my family and I hope to expand my business God willing”
“I teach my siblings and their friends to tailor; many youths in this village come here just to learn that” She does not charge any money though, she gives skills away freely, giving as she was given with the hope that one day her business would flourish and her siblings will have better life, one of not worrying about their school fees or the day’s meals.
We appreciate your partnership that is making so much difference already. You have already changed someone’s life today with that gift of love that you are giving. There is nothing that is small to change a life in Uganda.
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