Ezra, Henry and Eddy doing door to door Evangelism.
Often time with blogs, the need to update and tell specific stories overwhelms me. I love to write, but sometimes I just want to open up and rather than tell you my stories of ministry, tell you about where I am...right now. This may be a one-time thing, but I promise, more stories will come.
I've been battling a lot with God about this idea of faith. I understand the definition in Hebrews that says faith is, "the assurance of things hoped for and the certainty of things not yet seen." In Africa it's almost easier to be certain about things not yet seen, because our people rely on the miraculous daily, and often we get to experience that. On the other hand, it's very hard to have faith that God genuinely cares about the things we hope for. God is so big, why would He waste His time providing the little things for me that have little to no effect on anyone else? I keep my fingers crossed that God will allow these things to happen, but have very little faith that He actually cares about them.
It's funny to hear the very words that I spoke to someone else come back to me just a short time later. As I fought with God about how I didn't see Him as caring about the things that I want or long for, I was rocked by the power of His pursuit. Just because things don't work out exactly the way I plan or even the way I feel like God is leading me, doesn't mean He's no longer pursuing me, or that He has taken a day off. I was sitting in Kumi PAG Church one morning during our December missions and was nearly brought to tears as I listened to the women's choir sing praises in a language that I don't even understand. It was at the point that I heard the whisper say, "I'm still here, and I want to show you my love.
God pursues me. He pursues all of His children. I get this picture of a man pursuing his bride with all that he has, caring more for her wants than his, but rather than roses and fancy dates, God pursues me with a purpose and a vision for my life. Even my deepest longings pale in comparison to the plan that He has for me and that blows my mind. Who am I that He would find me worthy to chase after? I do mean "chase after" too because I'm stubborn and often times my ideas sound really good and He can't possibly know me better than I know myself...right? My life would be a lot more boring if that were true.So this morning I was blindsided by the pursuit of God as He allowed me to pray healing over an entire congregation and some were actually healed physically. There are many more that I know are going through spiritual and emotional healing even now and I cannot wait to celebrate when they walk into complete healing. How can I walk into a church building battling with God and a couple of hours later be used to bring healing to His people? I guess I'm beginning to see how little this thing has to do with me but how much God still longs to use me.
Don't doubt God's pursuit of you. You don't have to be the one that does all the chasing because He's the one running after you. Just be willing to give up your own chase and be overtaken by His, because His is so much more exciting................. Ezra
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