You may be asking, "Who do you think you are?!?! What makes you think you can have an impact like that? You are only a small group." Well, I'm glad you asked me that question! ;D ;D I'll be more than happy to answer it for you!
2006 December ACF missions Team.

We've been commissioned by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords as His Ambassadors. We have full diplomatic authority and immunity. ~ 2 Corinthians 5:19-21 (AMP)
We have the power of the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwelling within us, and our steps are ordered by God, Himself.
We are the Light of the World and the Salt of the Earth. We are like a city set on a hill and the Light of god that shines forth from us cannot be hidden
We are assisted by a host of angels that were given to minister to and for us as heirs of salvation, and they harken to the Word of God that we speak forth to perform it!
The favor of God goes forth before us and surrounds us like a shield, and no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
The enemy that comes in against us one way will have to flee against us in seven different directions!
We are spiritually minded which brings life, not carnally or fleshly minded which brings death.
Our very feet are anointed because we bring the Gospel of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas to you all ACF missions members. I wish you the best in your december missions. I miss you all.